Divorce is not pretty.
It’s not pretty for you, it’s not pretty for him… and it is NOT pretty
for the children who have to cope with their lives changing forever. Now here’s the part where I tell you – and
you will hear this refrain over and over in the divorce and custody process –
your new focus is what’s best for the
children. What is in the child’s best interest?
Some people expressed surprise that I was able to get my
divorce before the issue of custody was settled. Apparently, people don’t usually do it this
way. I think I’ve already covered the
“amicable” factor enough in my past
posts but, in case you missed it, my ex-husband and I filed a no-fault divorce
and agreed to handle all the details ourselves because we were amicable. Long, LONG story short – the divorce became final
and he went after primary custody.
Amicability went right out the window.
I already addressed this factor in divorce proceedings: once divorce is
on the table, there is rarely an amicable resolve. I don’t have an answer for why I actually
believed it was possible, given our tumultuous history, but I suppose I am
naïve enough to always believe that everyone has some good in them. This won’t change, by the way. I’m just programmed to be a nice person –
that is, until you piss me off.
Nevertheless, I was soon catapulted into the wonderful world of court proceedings
and forced onto the nauseating custody wheel of anxiety, unrest …. and education.
The first meeting with my attorney was initially a
consultation, whereby I explained my circumstances … and he did an awful lot of
eye-rolling at what had already transpired. I paid a retainer. He gave me some “homework.” I filled out a form to be filed with Domestic
Relations for child support. I was to
keep a “journal” to record details of our custody exchanges and any and everything
he said and did – like one day getting rid of the family dog before I returned
to our house (which, by the way, I still own
today), and later changing the locks to prevent my access to it. (I mentioned the importance of this journal in
a previous post.) I had to write up a “response” to my ex’s Petition for
Emergency Custody – essentially discrediting all his accusations which,
incidentally, had absolutely nothing
to do with custody. I had to provide my
Factors for Custody – which included answers to questions like “which party is
more likely to encourage and permit frequent and continuing contact between
child and the other party,” “which party is more likely to attend to the daily
physical, emotional, educational, etc. needs,” “the availability of extended
family,” and “the level of conflict between the parties and the willingness/ability
to cooperate with one another.”
Our first court hearing before a judge was to address the
aforementioned Petition. I was scared to
death. My mom and my dad accompanied me
(Todd and I decided it would be best if he was not there at this point). My ex-husband appeared only with his
attorney. No one from his family was
there on this – what I considered a very important day. What was peripherally unsettling at the time
was the fact that there were at least a dozen strangers participating as an
“audience” to the most important drama of my life. I had no idea that these proceedings are open
to the public. The judge issued a temporary custody order – granting me primary
physical custody of the children, I’m assuming because I was a stay-at-home mom
and had always been the primary caretaker and this temporary order would be the
least disruptive to and therefore “best” for the children (see, there it is). We would also have to attend the All Children
in the Middle program and a mediation orientation – both mandatory
(translation: court ordered). Additionally,
there was also a court order to undergo psychological evaluations (more on this
The All Children in the Middle program is a “parenting
class” that each party must attend separately.
I thought this was a marvelous idea.
Until I realized there were limited times available, there was a $45 fee
to attend this mandatory session, and
it was a 3-hour round-table (well, in this room it was a rectangle) type of
presentation with at least 15 other sorry-ass parents in there fighting for
custody where we had to introduce ourselves, how many children we had and their
ages, and how long we’ve been involved in a custody litigation. First off, I loathe introductions like
these. Loathe. Nobody in this room
wanted to make eye contact with anybody else.
I was tense and emotional and kept my gaze in my lap. This beautiful
woman across the table from me with the perfectly manicured nails looked
familiar - like somebody who has dined in my mother’s restaurant, and she
probably did, seeing as she drove off afterward in a Lexus - and was no less a rookie than me. The equally beautiful woman sitting to her
right, though far more casually dressed, introduced herself – she had 3
children and she was in the midst of her FOURTH
year in this battle. I glanced sharply
upward and met her gaze and felt the uncontrollable and familiar rush of tears
fill my eyes. I will never forget her
face, as long as I live. She looked
resigned and yet she clearly wasn’t giving up.
I felt bile searing the back of my throat, as I silently contemplated
the idea of fighting the father of my children for longer than one more month.
Nevertheless, there were people in there from all walks of
life. This room represented the very
essence of America – there were whites, blacks, and Latinos, women and men – in sweats, blue collar
uniforms, casual clothes, dressy clothes, suits. No one is exempt from this type of
drama. No one. I found we were all
ultimately the same. And I felt this constant
pressure from the dam behind my eyes. I
wanted to run from this room, I wanted to hug everyone in it. And the counselor who led the program did all
the talking, asked a few thought-provoking questions for discussion, and
apologized a handful of times for the dated 80s hairdos and shoulder pads of
the first video. The second video was
actually an old episode of Oprah, about two boys of divorce whose parents each
believed the children were handling everything well. They couldn’t have been more wrong. The guests all agreed to be interviewed by M.
Gary Neuman, the author of the Sandcastles program for children of
divorce(his book, available at the local library is called, Helping Your Kids Cope With Divorce, the Sandcastles Way). He found that both boys were
really very upset by all the fighting and bickering that has continued for
years since the divorce. Both parents
clearly loved their children, but both had behaved very badly. The boys felt they needed mom’s permission to
hug their father in front of her, and dad actually played back an ugly phone
message mom had left him to the 7-year-old and asked if he (the son) thought
they should play it for the judge. Think
that’s despicable? Think it can’t happen
to you? Think again. The most powerful message these two
tear-jerking videos delivered was that these children – all of these children – needed to feel loved and protected and …. not to be put in the middle.
Your child feels like an extension of you AND the other
parent – she identifies with BOTH of you.
If you say dad is a selfish SOB, then your child is in danger of
considering that he too is a selfish SOB.
Your children love both of you, they have the right to love both of you,
and they have the right to see each of you as wonderful, competent, awesome
human beings. This helps THEM thrive,
become healthy successful adults who can go on to have healthy successful
relationships that hopefully don’t fail like yours did. It doesn’t matter what YOU think of your
ex. It doesn’t matter what happened in
your marriage. Your children have the
right to have you keep your opinions to yourself. And guess what? You can only control your own
behavior. You can pray like hell that
your ex “gets it” too and that when he tells you he “really learned a lot,” you
can be assured he won’t try to malign the children against you. Unfortunately, even amicable ex-husbands sometimes can’t accept responsibility for what
they did wrong. Stick to your guns. Do what is right. Don’t fall into the trap of sharing with your
children how much you hate their dad for x,y, z. They don’t need to hear it. They don’t want to hear it. All my children ever wanted, was “for
everyone to just get along.”
My son just said to me again yesterday – over a year since
the divorce and one month since the custody litigation ended – “I just don’t understand
why everyone can’t just get along.”
Well, I have an answer for that – but I’m not sharing it with him. To have “friendship,” one must have
trust. There is no – nor will there ever
be – trust between me and that man. Marital transgressions aside, anyone who exchanges custody with their ex on the day of a custody
trial, and knows full well that the other parent is misinformed about what time
the trial actually begins, AND allows them to show up in the courtroom an hour late before the judge deciding
the fate of your children without saying a word to you – IS an SOB. But my children don’t need to know any of
that. They are already questioning
things he says to them, or things he’s done.
I remain neutral, I try to answer when appropriate or encourage them to
ask him these questions, I do not verbally tar and feather him or otherwise
tear him down. I let them draw their own
conclusions. I listen to them when they
want to talk, I support them and allow them to vent. But moreover, I encourage them to be
happy. I encourage them to move past the
events of the past – as I did just this morning when my daughter wanted to
discuss the incident between the adults on December 23rd that
quickly went nuclear. I stopped her
mid-sentence and told her simply, that’s over now. We are all past that and let’s look forward
to good times!
One of the hardest
things I think I’ve had to accept over the last 10 months is that although
I don’t like what he did or how he treated me while we were married, or how he
subsequently attacked me without warning or provocation and systematically
tried to decimate my character to everyone including our children – he is still their father. One thing – the ONLY thing – he and I could
ever agree on today, is that the sun rises and sets on those two beautiful creatures. He
loves them as much as I do. And – he
would never intentionally do anything to hurt them (the fact that the Children
in the Middle program fell on deaf ears apparently notwithstanding). They
are safe with him. I know this. Your ex may not always make what you see as the best or most appropriate decisions with regard to the children, but you have to find a way to believe that his intentions are essentially "good." It was the hardest thing I’ve had to accept –
that I had to essentially, let go. I think there are many moms out there who can
empathize with the sensation that once you have a child (whether by birth or
adoption – I don’t believe it’s much different) you have to come to grips with
the fact that there’s a part of you – like some vital organ – that is walking
around out there in the world away from
you. That outside of your orbit,
this life force is beyond your immediate protection. I explained it on one particularly
emotionally difficult day to Todd like this:
it’s like there’s this part of my body walking around out there that I
have absolutely no control over. It’s a
very helpless feeling. I had this
feeling first when I sent my son to school on his first day. And again – though more intense due to her
life-threatening disease – with my daughter on her first day.
Like it or not, you are – or are getting – divorced. Like it or not, your children will not be
with you every single hour of every single day, anymore. Now it’s up to you both – with or without a
judge’s intervention – to work out a way of sharing custody of these children
in a way that best benefits the children. There are lots of variances on custody and
visitation arrangements. A common one,
it seems, is one parent having primary physical custody and the other parent
having visitation every other weekend and Wednesday overnight. That was our temporary order and, 10 months
later, it became the permanent
order. Summertime is the exception,
where we alternate weeks with one another and every Wednesday overnight. Last September I would’ve been sick over this
arrangement – today, it is the best possible outcome for my children. They get us both equally during the relaxed,
unscheduled weeks of summer and revert back to the original schedule once the
school routine begins again. The judge –
and the evaluating psychologist – felt that the children’s best interests
overall were met in mother’s primary care during the school year.
It can be very difficult to accept that what was once your
authority over what’s best for your
children, is suddenly out of your hands.
I struggled daily with my anger over my ex’s actions – that we “could”
have worked out a schedule we could ALL live with – without outside
intervention or litigation that cost us thousands of dollars. That by his actions – where our children
lived would now be decided by strangers.
Strangers charged with deciding the best
interests of the children, strangers who get paid to do it every day, but
strangers who don’t know any of us – at all.
To them, we’re just another “case.”
This made me so angry. And feeling
furiously helpless. I had to refocus my
energy on my faith to get me through these days. I’ve never been a hard-core religious person
so like anyone else who has a slippery grip on a personal crisis – I decided I
needed God to help me walk through. And
I was perpetually amazed how things came to me, even as my fears so often took
over and subsequently made me worry that because I couldn’t close the door on
them, I wouldn’t be as blessed as I am.
So, with that, I think it’s really important to take a step
back and see this crisis through your child’s eyes. Put yourself in their shoes, imagine how you
would feel. Dig deep and be strong – at least
in front of them – and then cry your eyes out with a trusted friend or relative
and rip your ex a new anus. Things you might consider as ways to punish him, are really punishing the child. Think of how
you can keep your child balanced and stable amidst the uncertainty they may be
feeling. This does NOT translate as
buying them things all the time, as “some” parents do. Nor does it mean letting them get away with
bad behavior, because you are feeling badly about the circumstances. The same rules you always had for them,
should remain intact. Get them
counseling if you feel they need it, or even if you don’t. And, though it may be uncontrollably
tempting, do not engage in your feelings of competing with the other
parent. You will surely lose, in more
ways than in your wallet. Children
quickly learn who and what they can manipulate – and if you think your angelic
child would never do it, think again.
Incidentally, in many schools there are groups that guidance
counselors put together – specifically called Banana Splits http://www.bananasplitsresourcecenter.org/ – that children of divorce can interact
with one another and share. Worth
looking into.
Forthcoming: Mediation Orientation, Custody Conciliation
Conference, Child Custody Psychological Evaluations and how it all ends.
**I will again reiterate that I am not a legal expert, I am
just another mother who survived a toxic marriage, divorce, and a bitter battle
for custody of my kids. This blog
represents MY experience, and is not intended to be or replace professional
legal advice.
OH the tears are falling. Why do I need to be in this again? I really do not want to do this to my daughter or myself. Ugh. Thanks immensely for sharing your experience and part of your heart.